Maryland ADR Organizations & Court Rules

Here for your benefit are links to the preeminent ADR organizations and firms involved in mediation and arbitration within the state of Maryland.
Currently, there is no formal certification to practice as a private mediator in Maryland. To mediate cases from the circuit courts, however, one must meet the requirements described in Title 17 of the Maryland Rules of Procedure. Note that the standards for entry to the court rosters are generally minimal, compared to the benchmarks for consideration to the NADN.

Maryland Mediation & Conflict Resolution Office (MACRO)
Recognizing the many benefits achievable though the use of ADR processes, as well as significant successes in other states, the Honorable Robert M. Bell, Chief Judge of the Maryland Court of Appeals, created the Maryland ADR Commission in 1998. He charged the Commission with advancing the appropriate use of mediation and other innovative conflict resolution processes throughout Maryland's courts, neighborhoods, schools, government agencies, criminal and juvenile justice programs, and businesses. Chaired by Chief Judge Bell, ADR Commission members included judges, public officials, legislators, ADR practitioners, community members, lawyers, business representatives, educators and others.
Working with over 700 people around the state, the ADR Commission developed a consensus-based Practical Action Plan titled Join the Resolution. To implement the plan, the ADR Commission evolved into MACRO (Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office), which currently supports pilot projects and offers assistance to numerous ADR programs, educational efforts, and services in courts, schools, community mediation centers, State's Attorney's offices, juvenile justice programs and government agencies across the state. Maryland has won national acclaim for its multi-faceted approach to ADR as well as for the Maryland Judiciary's leading role in helping to prevent disputes from reaching a stage at which court intervention is necessary. For more information, visit

Maryland Program for Mediator Excellence (MPME)
The major goal of the Maryland Program for Mediator Excellence (MPME) is to assist Maryland mediators in providing high quality mediation services to their clients. This is accomplished by providing participating mediators with choices for continued learning, and improvement, along with appropriate recognition for their achievements. The Program maintains a searchable database of those mediators serving in the roster of the Circuit Courts in Maryland, which is easily searchable by region, case type of names. For more information, please visit

America's Top Rated Civil Mediators & Arbitrators
Need a mediator or arbitrator from outside of Maryland? NADN is pleased to recognize the most experienced civil/commercial neutrals around the United States, as voted by local litigators. Please feel free to visit our National Directory at